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- /* layout by moosh &&& feel free if you have any issues, questions, or just need help with whatever!! */
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- /* NEW DATES */
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- /* :( */
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- <tr>
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- <div id="top"> name or title <span class="field">something<font style="font-family:fany;">*</font>here</span></div>
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- <div id="top"> name or title <span class="field">something<font style="font-family:fany;">*</font>here</span></div>
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- <div id="top"> name or title <span class="field">something<font style="font-family:fany;">*</font>here</span></div>
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- LASTN_TALK_LINKS=><tr><td align="right" valign="bottom" colspan="2" width="100%" class="comments">%%readlink%% <a href="%%urlpost%%">*</a></td></tr>
- FRIENDS_TALK_LINKS=><tr><td align="right" valign="bottom" colspan="2" width="100%" class="comments">%%readlink%% <a href="%%urlpost%%">*</a></td></tr>
- DAY_TALK_LINKS=><tr><td align="right" valign="bottom" colspan="2" width="100%" class="comments">%%readlink%% <a href="%%urlpost%%">*</a></td></tr>
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- LASTN_TALK_READLINK=><a href="%%urlread%%">%%messagecount%%</a>
- FRIENDS_TALK_READLINK=><a href="%%urlread%%">%%messagecount%%</a>
- DAY_TALK_READLINK=><a href="%%urlread%%">%%messagecount%%</a>
- CALENDAR_TALK_READLINK=><a href="%%urlread%%">%%messagecount%%</a>
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